Turn Poison into Medicine

Even when we do something which seems to be unnecessary, waste, mistake and whatsoever, the important thing is to actively use the experience actively for turning it into positive outcome, especially experience of failure which sometimes is regarded as simply something unneeded. Nevertheless, it's totally up to us if we use the experience as a good lesson or just a waste of time and money.

Well, probably this is a common sense, however, what extraordinary person does as they turn poison into medicine is quite significant.

Thomas Edison

 the father of invention and legendary scientist, has his famous story of failure of tens of thousands of times. What he thought as that time is something like the example of restless and extremely optimistic attitude. From his quotes, he said "I didn't faile, but found 10,000 ways that won't work." The dynamism of optimism is quite incredible, discouraging number of failure was dynamically changed into a full of successes.

Spensor Silver
The inventor of Post-its. When he invented them, no colleague or whosoever were interested and they were regarded  as a failure product.
But 6 years later, his colleague, Art Fry realized the great potential of the invention and used substandard glue to keep bookmarks in place. This fact teaches me that genius invention can be treated as a failure at first place, and it needs time to get the invention fermented and get enough attention and support.

To climb higher mountain, we need more preparation. But in the process of the preparation, we might need to choose which luggage is going to be necessary on the way to the top. To confirm if they work, I need to try them. After overall trial and errors, I would be able to get the best equipments to accomplish the climbing.


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