Google Updates' Mechanical Translation Won't Mean Human Wane

I saw an article on Tech Crunch which introduced that new updates of Google Translate have very convenient features and eliminate language barriers.

The article was written fine and I like what Google does to integrate the world, but I want to counter against one claim.

Some people in Japan wrote that Google Translate and the evolution of this type of technology will eliminate all kinds of necessity to learn foreign languages.  They even ridicule those who learn them.
I do support technology eliminating language barrier and it should advance, but I also believe that real human interaction through real conversation have totally distinctive merit that has no mechanical alternative solution.  Through F2F communication, we can convey our enthusiasm, spirit and flow of energy, not just logical message or facial expression.

Mechanical translation is very handy for travelers and those who need to get information out of necessity to survive in unfamiliar places, but it won't work in soul-shaking, spirit-connecting and inspiring conversation.  The message has to be given directly.  Vegetables are most delicious when it's just harvested.  Fish cannot be tastier than as fished out of the sea.  Human language contain strongest and the most accurate message when it's just come out of our mouth.  We cannot have best hamburgers in McDonalds, they are served at home of family living around farm.

No matter how good the mechanical translation technology become, it can't fill in the gap between raw human message and mechanic interpretation, at least for a while.  It would be the sweetest dream if I could convey my message to people from any part of the world by using translation device, without missing any of my personality.  That's probably the time for language learning to extinct for most of us.


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