How we govern and be governed by desire

"Failure lies in opposing them. The people hate trouble and toil, so[the prince] should provide them with leisure and freedom from care. The people hate poverty and low position, so [the prince] should enable them to live and propagate. If [the prince] can provide them with leisure and freedom from care, the people will be willing to endure trouble and toil for him. If he can provide them with riches and honor, they will be willing to endure poverty and low position for him. If he can ensure their existence and provide them with security, they will be willing to endure danger and disaster for him. If he enables them to live and propagate, they will be willing to endure death and annihilation for him.
Therefore punishment alone is not enough to terrify the minds of [the people], nor is killing sufficient to make their hearts submissive. /thus, if punishments are numerous yet the minds of the people are not terrified, orders will not be carried our. If killing abounds, yet the hearts of the people are not submissive, the position the sovereign will be endangered.
Therefore if [the prince] complies with their four desires, even those in distant places will of themselves rally around hi,. But if he imposes on them the four things they hate, then even those who are near at hand will turn against him.
Thus knowing that "to give is to receive" is the most precious thing in government"From Guanzi: Political, Economic, And Philosophical Essays From Early China - A Study and Translation (C & T Asian Translation Series)